What are the most common questions I usually have about my coaching and psychological counseling? Lets’s see some questions and answers.

How and why does life coaching work?

With my help, you’ll be better focused on your intended goal, so you’ll get there faster. In our daily life we are often busy doing our daily tasks just like a routine. We are running in a squirrel wheel and very rarely stop to think about our future. I am fully committed to YOUR future.

What can you expect from me?

I will keep you in my focus. We will discuss your plans and I will encourage and motivate you. According to my experience and expertise, I may also be able to identify potentials in you that you may not have thought they are existing.

How does the conversation happen?

I offer online options for my sessions (Messenger, Viber, Whats’ up, Face Time, Skype and Zoom)

Is it possible to meet in person?

If there is a need for a personal meeting, this can be arranged by appointment either in Budapest / Hungary or in Aschaffenburg /Germany.

How long are the meetings?

Both the life coaching and the psychology consultation takes 60 minutes.

How often is it advisable to have consultations?

These sessions can be weekly, every second week or monthly. Whatever suits you the best. The duration of the consultation/coaching depends on your goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them. How fast we can progress is also up to you. The solution is within you. I’m just helping you finding the way.

Is it possible to meet several times a week?

If you need it or you have an acute problem or question, we will find a way for you to meet several times a week. It is upon your request.

How many coaching sessions do you need?

This depends absolutely on you. First and foremost on how committed you are to the goal you are working towards. Of course one of the main factors is the nature of your goal and how quickly you can achieve it. Even 4 – 6 consultations can be enough to achieve certain goals and to realize your certain desires.

How many consultations do I recommend?

This is a very personal decision which is really based on your individual goals. For example, finding the ideal partner, meeting a new professional challenge, planning a new life abroad or changing to a healthier lifestyle can make a significant difference to one’s life. If you are planning to make a significant change in your life, I advise you to give yourself the right amount of time to do so. If you are really serious about achieving your goals, I recommend that you commit to 12 suitable appointments. This is approximately three months of time, calculated on a weekly basis. This is the time frame, when achievements and radical changes definitely could and should be noticed by you and by others as well.

What are the benefits of life coaching?

 The advantage of life coaching is that you have someone who is dedicated to you and your goals. I support, encourage and motivate you when needed. No judgement. I focus on where YOU want to go and help you move in the right direction where you can reach YOUR goal. With my help, you can get where you want to go in life much faster than if you were on your own.

What are the similarities between life coaching and psychological counseling?

Coaching and psychological counseling are similar in the sense that both the psychologist and the coach ask the client questions. These questions often require the coach to look into the deepest parts of the client’s soul.  In this way, the client can get explanations for past events and connections that he or she has not had the opportunity to see before. This insight and understanding can then be very useful for the client in further stages of his/her life. Both the psychologist and the coach will listen to you and guide your conversation with questions. 

What is the difference between life coaching and psychological counseling?

A typical psychological counseling session deals with emotions and problems from the client`s past but have a strong impact on the present. The work with the coach focuses almost exclusively on the future and deals with the goal to be achieved. There is a significant emphasis on active client-coach collaboration, on the systematic implementation of the tasks that are being pursued. It is important to carry out the agreed plans in a responsible way.  The coach’s task is to optimize the potential of the client’s life, thus enabling him/her to achieve a more fulfilling and satisfying life. 

Can I continue with coaching after psychological counseling?

Yes, you can. I heartily recommend it. It often happens that when the client has finished his/her therapy with me – that is when the difficulties he/she has brought have been sorted out and processed – new life goals, dimensions and possibilities open up for her/him. With a changed outlook on life, a deeper self-awareness and a changed attitude, there is a very good chance that the client will be able to achieve her/his goals and fulfill her/his desires. Once the “bricks” (blocks and difficulties that have been hindering her/his life) are out of her/his “backpack”, the active cooperation could be expected from the client.

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